Our Values

Customer Commitment

  • We strive to always provide a customer experience of the highest standard by avidly searching for the best quality products in the market to bring to our clients. 

  • We believe transparency is the key to building sustainable relationships with our customers and equipping our organization to be successful in a competitive business environment.

  • At Smiling Through Light we plan to adapt and improve our products and services as newer technologies are released and better alternatives enter the market.

Women Empowerment

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  • We place women at the forefront of our business and make it our priority to support and encourage them to pursue a career in a male-dominated industry. 

  • We want to change the narrative of women simply being consumers of energy to one where they are leaders of the energy transition.

  • At Smiling Through Light we will continue to employ women and train them to become exceptional business owners in the household solar products industry.


  • We operate with integrity, treating honesty, trust, and respect for each other and our customers with the utmost importance.

  • We work as a team, providing opportunities to local women to be a part of the team, working with our business.

  • We want to show good citizenship in Sierra Leone, enabling the solar revolution in the right way.


  • We are committed to providing a sustainable energy source to our customers giving them a reliable source of energy. 

  • We aim to help fulfil the UN Sustainable Development Goal 7, to make affordable and clean energy more readily available. 

  • In Sierra Leone, where there are low levels of energy access, people often turn to less environmentally friendly alternatives. At Smiling Through Light we aim to innovate and introduce new technologies to make a positive impact on the environment and people’s lives.